Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Use Customer Audio Testimonials To Beat Out the Competition

Getting prospects is only one piece of the sales puzzle. Once youve got interest, whether it comes from word of mouth, traditional advertising, or the Internet, time is not your friend and you must convince that prospect as quickly as possible that you are the best candidate for the job. If you are not expeditious in conveying your credibility and ability to measure up, then you could lose that prospect to your ever-awaiting competition.

With that said, competition isnt always a bad thing. Especially if you can prove that you are better than they are.

But how do you prove that you are as good as you say you are? By using authentic customer audio testimonials to say it for you. Your best customers have a compelling story to tell others about their experience with you and their positive word of mouth can convince your prospects to do business with you.

With so much deceit and hype these days in advertising, an actual heartfelt testimonial heard in an actual voice from an actual happy satisfied customer, can be the tie-breaker that makes your prospect choose your business over your competition.

Weve all been there. Desperate for help with a particular need, perhaps our roof is leaking or we need a new doctor, whatever the product or service, a referral is comforting when we are in critical need of a good service provider.

But what if we dont have a first hand referral from a friend or colleague, would we settle for a second or even third hand referral? Sure we would.

The human psyche likes to be reassured when it comes to having to dishing out hard earned cash for a product or service, and almost any referral is better than no referral, when it comes to entrusting our homes and lives to someone.

Havent you noticed that you are more inclined to go to a movie or a restaurant when someone else said how good it was? It really didnt matter whether you even knew the person giving the referral or not. Their first hand experience transferred to you, giving you a comfort level that propelled you to go see that movie or eat at that restaurant the next time you were in the neighborhood.

I have a friend who every time he orders from a menu at a restaurant he asks the server for their opinion about what is good on the menu. He likes the reassurance he gets from their recommendation and it affects his decision on what menu item he tries.

While its true that most businesses have written client testimonials that they showcase on their web sites and office coffee tables, unless those testimonials are from well known businesses, written testimonials are sometimes and often-times glossed over.

But theres an amazing thing that happens when a real customer speaks from the heart and the listener senses the honesty in the persons voice.

If its put on, most people can tell the difference, but when its heartfelt, the listener is moved by what he or she hears.

Just think about radio and how many products have been sold by a voice coming through a speaker.

With audio testimonials, your business can compete with the big boys. Recently Mercury car insurance used testimonials to sell their services on television. It must have worked because they featured them in many commercials for months. Just listen to the radio or watch television anytime to see how many successful companies still use testimonials to support their claims.

There are two ways to capture a live audio testimonial from a satisfied customer and there are several places to showcase them once you have them.

With the increase in broadband capabilities on the Internet these past few years, the Web is one place that audio and/or video testimonials can be effective.

If your customer is a truly satisfied one, then he or she is always happy to oblige by recording a positive testimonial about their experience with your business. But remember, because they are important to you, be extra kind to them by making the experience as painless as possible. Sticking a camera in front of their face and asking them to answer questions will be challenging for you and them, and does not always result in the best testimonial (unless your clients are actors or used to being in front of a camera). Most likely, your customer participant will feel more comfortable giving his or her testimonial over the telephone which will create a more authentic and compelling end result.

There a two ways in which your business can capture audio testimonials from your satisfied customers:

1. Hire a professional review company to help facilitate and record your testimonial participants.

a. An interviewer will record your customers for you. This method authenticates your testimonials and saves you the awkwardness of doing it yourself.

2. Set up a dedicated telephone line that will record and prompt your customers to leave a testimonial.

a. There are audio companies that offer this service for a monthly subscription and you ask your customers to call an 800 number where they can leave the testimonial.

Once youve captured a few or more audio testimonials, it makes sense to showcase them everywhere and anywhere you typically advertise.

Web site pages

o Place your customer reviews on your testimonials page, front page or next to areas on your site that can be corroborated by a testimonial.


o Talk to your web master about Imbedding a customer testimonial link on the top, bottom or side of your email page.

On Hold

o Incorporate your audio testimonials into your on hold message so callers

can hear them while they are waiting.

Radio Ads

o Write a radio ad that features your customers testimonials (If its good enough for Mercury Insurance, why not you?)

Seeing is believing, but seeing and hearing motivates people to act. Youve worked hard to grow your business and audio testimonials are a priceless reward for a job well done.

Your prospects will be more motivated to do business with you when they hear the voice of your satisfied customer singing your praises.

Diana DItri is Co-Owner of RaveBiz, a testimonial-broadcasting agency. Diana has spent the past four years educating small and medium sized business on how word of mouth & referral strategies can grow business and reduce ad spend. Bellanca Blog52355
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